Monday, May 14, 2007

Has MLK's "dream" been realized? - Education

The amount of African Americans who enroll in high school or college has made a huge leap. In the 1960's 20.1% of African Americans graduated from high school, but in 2004 80.6% had graduated. For college in the 1960's only 3.1% have graduated, but in 2004 17.6% had graduated. The numbers for African Americans graduating is still low though. Martin Luther King would have wanted more African Americans to graduate from college and persue careers. Also, more women are graduating from college and high school then men and Martin Luther King would have wanted the amount of men and women to be equal. The number of dropouts of women from 1975 to 2003 was 6.2% and for men it has improved by 2.5%. Still King would have wanted the number of dropouts to be lower and graduating numbers to be higher.

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